Guangzhou DSPPA Audio Co., Ltd.
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DSP9220 Resource Management Software


● User rights management
● Online editing
● Teacher column
● SNS community function
● Large-scale live broadcast
● Abundant subject resources
● Mass production
● Unified management
● Network teaching and research

  • Introduction

DSPPA Educational Resources Cloud Platform to display and share the video resources through the display mode of the national Open Class platform, through the front-end recording and broadcasting classroom for the collection of educational resources, realize the resource integration application on the platform. The educational resources cloud platform is equipped with the basic management function, the micro-course application, the network teaching and research application function module, omni-directional promotion education fair development in the region.

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  • Tel:+86 020 37166520
  • Address:No.1 Xiahe Rd, Jianggao Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
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