Guangzhou DSPPA Audio Co., Ltd.
Tel: 020-28346138
Fax: 020-81305947

DSPPA Audio Museum

DSPPA audio museum and smart technology experience center was formally opened in February 2016. The constructionof the museum has lasted for 2 years since the preparation for the construction of museum. DSPPA Audio Museum is the first museum with the theme of acoustics developing history in the audio industry of China. The overall design of the museum, from the decoration of every piece of exhibits to the whole exhibition hall, was carefully considered by Mr. Wang Heng, the president of DSPPA, and then cooperated with professional designer to present a high-tech platform.

DSPPA Audio Museum

DSPPA audio museum

Approaching to the museum, you will see the ingenious, natural and graceful appearance of the building. It modeled on the traditional Chinese architecture, Huizhou architecture, which is one of the most important genres in ancient Han dynasty. The architecture mainly adopt brick, wood and stone as raw materials, construct as wood frame, showing the superb level of decorative art. Its architectural style integrates the essence of the culture and customs of the Han dynasty, unique, simple and elegant. Through intelligent access control system, we can enter into the museum. There is an intelligent conference center on the first floor, which can accommodate hundreds of people. It can provide a comfortable and convenient place to the visitors for communicating with each other.
DSPPA Audio Museum and Smart Technology Experience Center

Looking at the right on the hall, you will see an ancestral hall with deep cultural  heritage, which is dedicated to the worship of Confucius. This design also reveals that Mr. Wang Heng deeply appreciates Chinese ethics and respects Confucian culture. Advocated by the Confucian philosophy, the generous and benevolent gentleman's wind also penetrated in DSPPA's corporate culture, which deeply influences every employee. DSPPA Audio Museum

dsppa audio music and smart technology museum

We can enter the museum exhibition hall from the first floor of the hall on the right side of the stairs. It exhibits lots of collections that worth billions of dollars including the antique audios, antique computers, as well as China's pottery with 5000 year history, Thirteen Hongs cultural relics in Guangzhou, and so on. The hall keeps the earliest phonograph in the world, exhibits the music boxes that show the development history form music box to record. There are ceramic artifacts from all over the world and “Four friends of ancient Chinese scholar”-Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting. These superb collections are not only present the historical development of audio industry since ancient times, but also integrated into the rich cultural deposits of China, even the whole world.
museum exhibition dsppa museum

In addition to those collections come down in one continuous line with history and culture, DSPPA's audio museum also establishes a smart technology experience center, which eventually realize the unified management and control by utilizing cloud computing, big data processing technology, personnel location awareness, portrait identification, ambient temperature sensing, air quality sensing, light sensing and so on. The platform adopt robots and 3D printing system, combining the system of camera in intelligent building field with the system of security safeguard and alarm, entrance guard, lighting, public address, air conditioner, meeting, teaching, solar energy power. At present, this smart platform has been initially formed and successfully put it into the museum to realize the “One-key” control for the management of the museum.

DSPPA’s audio museum

DSPPA's audio museum is a display of the past, a platform for the future, also a platform for the professional PA system that beyond your imagination. It has the most complete and professional production, which varies from amplifiers, speakers, intelligent PA system, network PA system to conference system, smart home audio system and interactive E-learning system.

professional PA system

DSPPA Audio Museum is the first museum with the theme of acoustics developing history in the audio industry of China. It is a key for us to enter the wonderful audio world. Let's walk into the DSPPA Audio Museum, to trace back the footprints of history, to experience the charm of acoustic development, to enrich our imagination of the future audiovisual technology.

  • Tel:+86 020 37166520
  • Address:No.1 Xiahe Rd, Jianggao Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
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