DSS1519 DSS1521 Ultra Directional Speaker SystemJanuary 15, 2022Professional directional sound speaker ultrasonic directional sound system is a pioneering o audio solution that provides an efficient way o to propagate sound without the use of large speaker arrays and to project sound highly directionally into...view
DSS1419 Active Directional Speaker SystemJuly 11, 2022DSS1419 is a directional active speaker system. As the ultrasonic wavelength is only a few millimeters, much smaller than that of the speaker, it can produce nearly linear narrow beam. Ultrasonic wave...view
Great Success Achieved in Infocomm IndiaSeptember 21, 2018Great Success Achieved in Infocomm India Annual InfoComm Exhibition in India was successfully held in Bombay Exhibition Center Mumbai from 18 to 20 September. It is an exhibition that showcases world...view
Advantages of Network Public AddressAugust 6, 2018It is a pure digital audio network public address system based on the Internet and LAN, which is different from the traditional analog audio, FM, addressing and CNC broadcasting system. The IP intelli...view
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