PAVA2240 Voice Evacuation Alarm System
It has been designed for ease of installation and for operation in a vast range of applications.
This system is able to manage 2 alarm zones via local controls, remote fireman's microphone station and controlled inputs.
This PAVA2000 series ALL-IN-ONE system is ideal for small solution, such as shops, clinics, restaurants.
Main Features:
● Editable voice messages in SD
Contact 1—Zone1+Zone2-EVAC, Contact 2—Zone1+Zone2-ALERT, Contact 1+2—Zone1+Zone2-EMC
● Trigger output
2 dry contact outputs, 2 level output of 24V
● DC power
Built-in battery charger, support 2 pcs of 12AH batteries
● Fireman Mic
Support 4 pcs Fireman Mic (PAVA2200), Support loop connection for more stable communication